Channel C31 continues broadcasting
We give thanks for the technology that has allowed participation in worship during this time of isolation, including the televising of worship on community television channel C31 (channel 44 on… Read more
Farewell Pastor Tom Peitsch
Pastor Tom Peitsch was farewelled on Sunday 05 July at a small service at the Lilydale Immanuel Lutheran Church. Pastor Tom had served Lilydale and Croydon Outer Eastern since 2015… Read more
Introducing the LCA Reconciliation Action Plan
Introducing the LCA Reconciliation Action Plan As we are reconciled with Christ through his death and resurrection, as Christians, God calls us to be reconciled with one another (2Cor 5:18,19)…. Read more
Introducing LCA Aged Care & Community Officer Mary Sofoclis
Mary Sofoclis has recently joined the Churchwide office in the role of LCA Aged Care and Community Officer. Mary is working out of the Victorian District Office and is already… Read more