Introducing the LCA Reconciliation Action Plan
Introducing the LCA Reconciliation Action Plan
As we are reconciled with Christ through his death and resurrection, as Christians, God calls us to be reconciled with one another (2Cor 5:18,19).
Since 2015, I’ve been blessed to be involved with a small team who have been working with people from across Australia and with Reconciliation Australia on a Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) for the LCA. You’ll be able to read more about this in the May edition of The Lutheran magazine and the LCA RAP website
Many people are already supporting the ministry of the LCA with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in areas such as Central Australia. Thank you for this important support.
The LCA has demonstrated historical leadership in our relationships with First Nation peoples, however, this is not the end of such engagement – it is the beginning.
Developing an LCA RAP is an opportunity to grow. Like the baptised new life we live reconciled in Christ, each day is a new beginning and a new opportunity to grow in relationships with those around us.
Wherever it is that we are as church, where you are as a baptised member of God’s family, its clear that many First Nations peoples are located somewhere close by in Australia’s cities, towns and rural communities. This means perhaps in your own community! The LCA RAP will help us all to consider what this means for us. And asking the “what does this mean for us?” is very much the Lutheran question isn’t it!
The LCA Vision for the RAP, inspired by the gospel of reconciliation in Jesus Christ, our Church’s vision for reconciliation, empowered by the Holy Spirit is…
‘to bring to life an expression of our ministry that helps all peoples understand, value and respect the histories, cultures, lands and contributions of First Nations peoples; to recognise and honour our common humanity and for equity in opportunity to flourish, so together we can grow as God’s people’
What can you and I…what can we do together during National Reconciliation Week and beyond?
I simply suggest a couple of starters:
Consider how you can grow in your relationship with your Lord who by his cross has reconciled you to God in grace.
As a child of grace how can you grow in learning to bring love to life in recognising new opportunities to understand, value and respect the contributions of First Nations and peoples and our ministry of grace in Christ? Check out the Lutheran and the RAP website.
I’d love to hear from you as well.
Neville Otto
What is National Reconciliation Week?
National Reconciliation Week (NRW) started as the Week of Prayer for Reconciliation in 1993 (the International Year of the World’s Indigenous Peoples) and was supported by Australia’s major faith communities. In 1996, the Council for Aboriginal Reconciliation launched Australia’s first NRW.
In 2000, Reconciliation Australia was established to continue to provide national leadership on reconciliation. In the same year, approximately 300,000 people walked across Sydney Harbour Bridge as part of NRW, to show their support for reconciliation.
Today, NRW is celebrated by businesses, schools, organisations, and individuals Australia-wide. Hundreds of NRW events are held each year. You can find an event near you at