‘Women of Purpose’ – Gippsland Women’s Retreat
In October the annual Gippsland Women’s Retreat was held in the Lutheran church in Sale, with 19 women, one baby, and our pastor taking part. This event has always been a great blessing to those able to attend, and this time was no exception.
Representatives from our five (small to very, very small) congregations took part in the planning over the previous months. It was decided to alter the usual format, and have women preparing and presenting a series of shorter Bible studies, rather than one longer pastor-led study, which has been the main part of the morning program previously. Pastor Tony led the opening devotion. We also managed to surprise him with an impromptu role in the afternoon program (see photo).
The theme “Women of Purpose” was explored through the lives of four women in the genealogy of Jesus, as recorded in Matthew 1. Tamar, Rahab, Ruth and Bathsheba were each used by God and recorded for all posterity as significant forebears of our Saviour, in the fulfillment of God’s purposes for all humankind. Their very colourful and challenging stories were explored.
The afternoon program included monologue-type skits by four Biblical women, whose stories are inherently part of the story of their husbands, without the Bible giving much, or even any, information about them. They would have been women whose life also was fulfilling God’s purposes, and we could easily imagine the situations those roles may have put them into. Mrs Noah, Mrs Job, Mrs Jonah and Mrs Pilate led us on journeys of humour, along with serious musings that all still pointed to God’s love for His people.
An offering in support of the training of youth ministry leaders in LCANZ raised $485. Singing and other activities filled out the day. Shared lunch and cuppas before and after the program gave opportunities to catch up with friends, get to know others, and strengthen ties between the far-flung congregations of our parish.
Big thanks are due to everyone there, and especially to our Heavenly Father whose Word is an unending source of treasures, and who has a special purpose for each person in His big story.