20220621 Communication to congregational leaders regarding further easing of restrictions
Please find a linked press release from Health Minister Martin Foley indicating that due to the high uptake of double vaccination in the community, the requirement for double vaccination for employees (and therefore extended also to volunteers) will be lifted from 11.59pm Friday 24 June (in effect Saturday 25 June). You may therefore allow unvaccinated employees and volunteers to perform duties in the congregational scenario noting there is the ability for ‘employers’ (as operators of open premises) to set their own workplace conditions to continue to provide a safe space for the most vulnerable members of the congregation. Please ensure your COVIDsafe plan is updated accordingly.
To continue to protect the most vulnerable through winter, workers who interact with a vulnerable person will still require three COVID-19 vaccine doses. This includes residential aged care and disability care, healthcare, and custodial and emergency services, including police.
Read more at How we live: Information for Victorians | Coronavirus Victoria
If you have queries about this new announcement please contact the COVID hotline 1800 675 398.