The LCANZ model constitutions for congregations and parishes were updated in 2018 to reflect more contemporary governance models. It is recommended church councils review their constitutions about every five years to ensure relevance and also in order to inform all members of the constitution and by-laws that govern decision making.
You can read more information on the LCANZ website at
In the Victoria Tasmania District District Church Council have appointed a sub-committee to assist congregations through the review of constitutions. You can contact the District Constitutions Committee via District Administrator Stephen Mildred
Download Cover Note to Constitutions HERE
Download Model Constitution HERE
Changes to the constitution must be presented to the Congregation at a properly convened congregational meeting. It is suggested that your Working Group share a draft with the Victorian Constitutions Committee, before going to a formal vote of your Parish/Congregation, to get any relevant input. When the Constitution has passed a formal meeting, please provide the revised constitution and the relevant minutes to District Church Council via the District Administrator, for formal approval.
The Australian Charities and Not for profit Commission (ACNC) will will require a copy of the minutes of the meeting at which the constitution was changed and they need to see that a ‘special resolution’ was passed (as required in the constitution for all constitution changes).
Once the constitution is approved by your congregation/parish two signed copies need to be forwarded to the District Office. It is then ratified and signed by District Church Council and then returned to you for lodgement with the ACNC. An electronic copy of the constitution is retained by the District Office.