Annual General Meetings
Annual General Meetings. Annual General Meetings are held in order that the congregation can learn about the ministries, mission, activities, and assets and finances of the congregation and vote on the current and future issues. For the most part the congregation’s Constitution and By Laws will guide what happens when.
Brief expectations are
- that sufficient notice is given – often two weeks.
- that the Book of Reports is made available in good time, including minutes from the last meeting.
- that financial reporting and budget proposals are clear and accurate. Congregation and Parish financials should be audited.
- that there is a understanding of quorum for decision making. Attendance should be taken and the achievement of quorum be recorded in the minutes.
- that the nomination and electoral process is clear and open for all elected positions.
- that there is a clear voting process. Where a decision is extremely significant leadership may opt for a higher than usual passing vote percentage. Scrutineers should be appointed.
- that accurate minutes be taken and the minutes are presented and approved at the subsequent congregational meeting.
Please provide a copy of the Book of Reports including financials and the minutes of significant resolutions to District Office as soon as practical after the meeting has taken place.
The secretary of Church Council should update office bearers to the LCA LAMP 2 database. Find out more at LAMP2 – Lutheran Church of Australia (