Youth Ministry Leadership
God calls many of us to serve and lead in ministry, and in many different ways! Jesus was the ultimate servant leader, and we as Christians strive to follow his example. Whether you like being up the front or not, whether you are an introvert or extrovert, we always need people to step up to God’s call to lead by example in many ministry contexts.
There are many opportunities to serve and lead, depending on your passions and skills! Can you answer ‘yes’ to some of these questions?
- Are you passionate about people developing a relationship with God?
- Do you like meeting new people?
- Are you available for five days straight?*
- Do you enjoy engaging in discussion on faith and life issues?
- Are you striving to follow Christ’s example and lead others towards him?
- Can you work well in a team?
- Are you willing to serve others, putting them before yourself?
- Would you like to experience Christian community for five days?
- Do you have a heart for young people and drawing them closer the God?
- Can you handle fewer than eight hours of sleep each night?**
*For Christian Life Week either during June or September school holidays, or during the Easter break for Easter Camp
**Christian Life Week only
For more information including training and requirements, please visit the Lutheran Youth of Victoria Leadership website.
Leadership isn’t just for young adults. Research has shown that youth need significant adults in their lives apart from direct family, and serving in a leadership role can be a vital connection to a young person today! One way you can do this is to come along to an LYV camp as a ‘camp parent.’