Victorian District Sponsorship Program
BE IT RESOLVED that Convention supports the establishment of a District Sponsorship Program (DSP) to replace the single District Appeal between Conventions and that the DSP be focused at supporting the District’s Strategic Initiative #1, specially Youth and Young Adults Ministry and Church Planting.
2016 Victorian District Synod resolution
District Sponsorship Project arose out of a direction by Synod to:
•use assets effectively, encouraging more support for Mission and Ministry,
•explore funding models outside of congregational giving,
•achieve new Churches planted,
•seek sustainable Ministry,
•establish a systematic committed generation of funds around particular projects – namely Church Planting and Youth and Young Adult Ministries.
This is an opportunity to participate and encourage the growth of the gospel at ground level through providing financial assistance and by prayer and advocacy.
The spiritual welfare of our youth and young adults is very much at the heart of many congregations. The District Youth and Young Adult Ministry team (YYAM) supports young people through Camping Ministry, Worship (Sunday Night at St Johns – SNAS) and in transition as teens move from school into further education, work life, travel and perhaps moving away from home. YYAM can help put networks around them as this unfolds.
Renew is the means by which tired or struggling congregations can be revitalised through discernment around their activities and strengths and a focus on ‘letting go’ to move forward. New Church Planting is the opportunity for existing mature churches to ‘plant’ a community of believers in a new location. Support, mentoring and training will be offered through the Congregational Support Department at District level. The message of hope is then able to spread locally and organically in different cultural contexts.
Sponsorship rather than a one-off donation has been chosen as the model in order that commitment is made to keep these projects going. These ministries are the way our Church can grow into the future. These ministries allow us to make a difference in peoples’ lives – including our existing members.
How to sponsor
Individually, in a Sponsorship group (perhaps your small group or guild), or as a congregation, choose a project and financial goal then sign up by contacting us via email You can also get straight into things by making a payment electronically to your chosen project!
Payments can be made electronically via your bank through the “Pay Anyone” option. Make the payment to Account: LCAVD, BSB: 033 172, Account No. 117564.
Please include in the transaction comments the code for the chosen project and your initial and surname. Then email us to let us know you have signed up! We’ll get you set up to receive project updates.
Download a Sponsorship Form
Suggested Finance Goals per year: $1500 (30.00 p/w), $1000, $500 and $250
The Sponsorship Project Codes are:
Renewing Churches- NREW
Church Planting General: NRCHU
For a specific Plant –
Pakenham Church Plant – NRPak
Wyndham Hobsons Bay – NRWer
For YYAM –
General – YYAM
YYAM Camping – YYCamp
Our contact email is: or phone District Office and ask for Maya or Erin 03 9236 1200 Tuesday to Friday